Ministry Work
Ministry-wise, I’m looking for these type of positions:
- Student Ministry (Lead, Associate, Campus or MS/HS only)
- College/Young Adults (Lead, Associate or Campus)
- Discipleship/Teaching Pastor
I’m interested in churches:
- with 500+ attendees that are growing (spiritual & numerically)
- that are creative (willing to use technology, social media & creative arts for God’s Glory)
- that have community engagement (outreach & impact)
- that have leadership growth/vision
- that have a staff team (family environment & culture)
- that are financially stable/secure
- that honors well with integrity
Been involved in full-time ministry for 13 years as a student pastor, associate pastor and itinerate speaker/evangelist. I have worked for 3 different churches, all of different sizes and backgrounds. At my last church (Kalamazoo, MI | 1,000+ attendees) I was the Student & College Pastor. I’ve managed teams (full-time, part-time, volunteers and interns) of many sizes. I am a student of leadership, youth culture, and church. I currently travel & speak at churches or events wherever I am requested. I am a huge proponent of technology/creative arts, parental involvement, and team leadership. I am a relational leader of leaders, hard-worker, and a team player.
I would love to talk about open opportunities at your church. Please feel free to email me at me@mecoreyg.com. I have a resume with references, philosophy of ministry, and personality assessments profiles (DISC, Spiritual Gifts, Strengths, Myers-Briggs) available upon requests. You may also check-out my Ministry Endorsements page. Lastly, you can check out my Journals with writings about ministry leadership, personal reflection, and most importantly – JESUS!