Pastor Corey Gibson has been involved in full-time ministry for the past 13 years. He is an ordained Pastor and has a passion for ministering to young people. He has been preaching & leading since the age of 8 years old, as a volunteer at Victory World Church (Atlanta, GA). Growing up a Pastor’s Kid, he knew that ministry would be a part of his DNA. He serves as an elder at his parent’s ministry, Servant Heart Ministries, which is a prophetic teaching & training ministry. In past experiences, he’s been an Associate Pastor, Student Pastor, Young Adults Pastor, and itinerate Evangelist/Speaker. Alongside leading & ministering at his home church full-time, he also travels and speaks at various conferences/camps and events as time permits. He has spoken to thousands of young people in his 13 years of ministry. His burning desires is that this generation would respond to the Cross and embrace (encounter/experience) Grace, which is Jesus!You can follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram…
You may invite|request Corey to speak… He is usually found teaching on and calling a generation to walk out 6 core values
6 Core Values|Teachings:
- Understanding our Bridal Identity – Hosea 2:14-23, Revelation 21:9-11
- The Lovesick Heart – Song 5:8 (Intimacy/Passion)
- Total Abandonment for Christ/Fasted Lifestyle – Luke 2:36-38
- Living the Sermon on the Mount Lifestyle – Matthew 5-7 and John 14-17
- Giving ourselves towards Love, Worship, Service and generous living
- The Forerunner Mandate – Luke 1:13-17/Malachi 4:5-6/Isaiah 40:3-5; 62:10
** there are much more scriptures for each facet.. these are just some of the primary ones.
“Being a Generation that is Responding to the Cross and Embracing Grace”